About us

Agents of Change

Synairgis is based in North America, in Montreal (Quebec, Canada) and in France, in the Occitanie region, in Montpellier and Toulouse. We are a dynamic and specialized team, multidisciplinary, working to build concrete and innovative solutions to help you transform certain components of your organization.

We have recognized expertise in our various specialties. We work in synergy with several key partners.

Our Mission and Values

We are passionate about organizing the work of teams in operations with innovative and open solutions, knowledge sharing, infrastructure management, whether IT, telecommunications, vehicles, medical equipment or any other asset and component of the organizations' services.

First of all, our greatest happiness comes from the satisfaction of our customers and partners.Discover our services to know how to benefit from it!

Synairgis is the co-founder of Belvedair, whose mission is to design and build eco-friendly homes tailored to Quebec’s needs.

The Synairgis-Belvedair Group’s mission is to develop, in a sustainable way, living and working environments on two continents, in North America and in Europe.



We are transparent in our approach and we rely on our expertise to propose sustainable solutions, adapted to your reality



We work as a team to contribute to your success by putting the right experts on the right projects



Solutions that allow you to know, control and master your technological infrastructure and then evolve them in a sustainable development approach



Looking for market advancements, we can count on our specialists, who are able to organize and deploy solutions at home

Synairgis' Team

Your projects are ambitious and important, which is why we like to work as a squad. This means that we use, at the right time in your project, the different talents of our multidisciplinary team. Whether you have one or more of our intervention advisors for you, all of our skills are available when needed, at the right time. You benefit from the expertise of all our advisors, as well as the tools and best practices, designed over the course of projects, for several years. The objective of the squad is simple: the success of your project!

Synairgis in Figures


hours of advice


years of service


satisfied clients

Our History


Incorporation and start of activities. It’s the beginning of a great adventure on Saint-Laurent Boulevard, in the heart of the Plateau in Montreal!


Synairgis moved temporarily, not far from our old offices and remained faithful to the Montreal Main. The Synairgis-Belvedair Group’s operations are changing and growing.


Synairgis is moving again, and is moving into the new eco-building: Éco-Maison Sans Frontières from TSF, of which we are partners. The same address as in 2005, in the DRC of a beautiful building, unique in the neighborhood.


Development of Synairgis SAS, in operation for a few months and based in Montpellier, France. This is the beginning of our transatlantic operations between France and Canada. Synairgis-Belvedair, a very Franco-Quebec DNA. Follow our new adventures!

  • Founded in 1987, STIQ is a multi-sector association of Quebec companies whose mission is to develop business relations and improve the competitiveness of manufacturing companies in order to promote the growth of our economy.
    Synairgis is a member of this organization. 

  • The association aims to define and disseminate environmentally and socially responsible practices within the digital professions. It operates in partnership with AGIT Québec, a similar professional association founded across the Atlantic.
    Synairgis is an active member of this association.

    Alliance pour une Gestion Informatique Techno-responsable, whose mission is to define and disseminate environmentally and socially responsible practices within the ICT professions in Quebec. 
    Synairgis is co-founder and member of AGIT Québec.

  • Montpel'libre is a group of GNU/Linux and open source software users promoting free software, free culture and the commons. The association is at the crossroads of the digital sector, the creative industries, the social economy, sustainable development, research and training, and popular education.
    Synairgis is a proud partner of the association.

Legal Notice

This site has been developed for Synairgis Inc. (a Quebec incorporated company headquartered at 285, avenue du Mont-Royal Est, Montréal (Québec) H2T 1P6, CANADA, registered with the Registraire des entreprises du Québec under number 1163673297) and its subsidiary Synairgis SAS (Simplified joint-stock company, capital of 16,000 Euros, whose registered office is: 5 boulevard de l'Observatoire, 34000 Montpellier, FRANCE, registered in the Montpellier Trade and Companies Register under number 817 845 175).

The website is hosted by OVH in Montreal. It is designed, developed and maintained by the SYNAIRGIS teams in Montreal (Québec, Canada) and Montpellier (France).

Mr. Cyrille Maltot, President of SYNAIRGIS Inc. and director of SYNAIRGIS SAS is the site’s editor.

This website and its content are the property of SYNAIRGIS Inc. and SYNAIRGIS SAS. It complies with Quebec, Canadian and French laws. No personal data without the consent or authorization of the legal or natural persons concerned shall be published. You have the right to access, modify, correct and delete your data. Please contact us at contact@synairgis.com